EDITIONSOur Editions

Information for Strategic Supply Chain Development

The All-In-One Review.

Business Development

Review and understand your Development Priorities.

Work with consultants for goals that are established during an All-In-One review one to one with an expert to help guide you and lend insight through the process.

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Then take the option to complete a single page self-assessment.

Get the Workbook and begin the path of least effort to greatest impact.

"All In One' Priority Reviews
The AIO Review. A Business Development Challenge.

The All-In-One Review.

A Business Development Challenge.

Start with the Challenge Workbook.

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Discounts for Paid Members

If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. We are a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results. 

S&Co., Supply Chain Logistics Consulting Inc.


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SCLCI’s Early Editions: Back to Basics of Cost Leadership

Learn from the best of the basics.

One bundled information package to prioritize the most relevant components of supply chain management operations.

First Compiled: MAR 17, 2024


Know The Benefits.


SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of “Cost Leadership”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Pre-Approved Vendors”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Supplier Relationship Management”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Procurement Policies”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Strategic Sourcing”


Cost Leadership

Recommended Reading:


SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Your Perspective is only half of the Picture.”

Make better decisions, its’ that easy. An individuals perspective, regardless of how practiced they are, is only half the picture and managerial accounting cuts through the “Noise” to enable better decisions.

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Comparing Single to Sole Sourcing”

Single Source vs Sole Source Procurement: What’s the Difference? If you are involved in procurement, you may have heard of the terms single source and sole source. Do you know what they mean and how they differ.

SCLCI Early Editions: “The Importance of an Approved Vendor List”

A Valuable Practice. For busy business leaders who are constantly working on projects, managing departments, and executing on organizational priorities, countless decisions are made every day. One aspect that often gets overlooked as creating strategic advantages and providing significant benefits to businesses, is the process of selecting and onboarding vendors. It is important to understand how an Approved Vendor List (AVL) can make a difference when streamlining business operations, producing quality results, and creating the conditions needed for reliable stability.

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “The Importance of Procurement Policies”

Policies for Procurement Procurement is the process of finding and acquiring the goods or services that your business needs to operate and achieve its goals. Procurement involves various activities, such as planning, sourcing, negotiating, contracting, ordering, receiving, paying, and managing suppliers.

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Sourcing Methods”

Sourcing Methods How to Choose the Best Sourcing Method for Your Business Sourcing is the process of finding and selecting suppliers that provide the goods or services to meet a business requirement. Sourcing is a crucial part of procurement which will affect the quality, total cost, and delivery, of a company’s products and services.


Back-To-Basics, Supply Chain Management

Business leaders can revaluate what is essential to their company’s success and leverage their own unique understanding of the industry for a pro-active approach to decision making. Manage rising prices, changing priorities, and unplanned disruptions while building a resilient business to withstand any challenge. Subscribe and follow along while Supply Chain Logistics Consulting reviews the basic practices and concepts that help business professionals to adopt and maintain a focused approach to supply chain management and business process improvement.

#supplychain #logistics #operations #procurement #sourcing #leadership #excellence #learn #improveyourbusiness #communication #strategy #development #backtobasics

At Supply Chain Logistics Consulting our mandate is to improve the way things are done and we would be happy to hear from you. Do you have a specific problem you are solving? A unique solution or a successful story about making a significant change?
Let us know.
Write your response in the comments or send us a message on our contact page. If we get enough responses, we will be highlighting our favorite examples in featured posts so that our readers can benefit from them as well.

If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. Supply Chain Logistics Consulting is a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results. 

S&Co., Supply Chain Logistics Consulting Inc.



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SCLCI’s Early Editions: Back to Basics of Operational Excellence

Learn from the best of the basics.

One bundled information package to prioritize the most relevant components of business operations.

First Compiled: MAR 17, 2024 


Know The Benefits.


SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Operations Management”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Ethical Procurement”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Ethical Procurement”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Supply Chain Management”


Operational Excellence

Recommended Reading:


SCLCI’s Early Editions: “SCLCI’s Back-to-Basics.”

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Streamlining Organizational Processes.”

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “The Power of Anti-Corruption in Procurement”

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “AI In Business.”


Back-To-Basics, Supply Chain Management

Business leaders can revaluate what is essential to their company’s success and leverage their own unique understanding of the industry for a pro-active approach to decision making. Manage rising prices, changing priorities, and unplanned disruptions while building a resilient business to withstand any challenge. Subscribe and follow along while Supply Chain Logistics Consulting reviews the basic practices and concepts that help business professionals to adopt and maintain a focused approach to supply chain management and business process improvement.

#supplychain #logistics #operations #procurement #sourcing #leadership #excellence #learn #improveyourbusiness #communication #strategy #development #backtobasics

At Supply Chain Logistics Consulting our mandate is to improve the way things are done and we would be happy to hear from you. Do you have a specific problem you are solving? A unique solution or a successful story about making a significant change?
Let us know.
Write your response in the comments or send us a message on our contact page. If we get enough responses, we will be highlighting our favorite examples in featured posts so that our readers can benefit from them as well.



Visit Supply Chain Logistics Consulting Online and Subscribe on all our channels.

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🔗 Get the Highlights 🔗 SCLCI’s Link-in-Bio Page

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SCLCI’s Early Editions: Back to Basics of Strategic Management

Learn from the best of the basics.

One bundled information package to help you prioritize the most relevant components for the management of business.

First Compiled: MAR 17, 2024


Know The Benefits.


SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Corporate Governance”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Innovation and Training”

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “The Benefits of Lean Management”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Integrative Negotiations”

SCLCI Back-to-Basics: “The Benefits of Cash Flow Management”


Strategic Management

Recommended Reading:


SCLCI’s Early Editions: “The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Development CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility.”

Imagine proudly donning a brand, only to discover later that it has been associated with corrupt business practices, human fatalities, forced labour, species extinction, or major and minor environmental disasters. No consumer wants to be caught in such a situation. It’s more than a lapse in common-sense where circumstances and these scenarios can occur, one that can have far-reaching consequences.  

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “What I found unique about ‘Innovation and Training in New Firms’ by J. Baldwin.”

My Review of the Research Paper, ‘Innovation and Training in New Firms’ by J. Baldwin Analytical Studies Branch – Research Paper Series, Statistics Canada No. 11F0019MPE No. 123 What I found unique about ‘Innovation and Training in New Firms’ by J. Baldwin in 2020, is the in-depth review of new entrants from many levels and an evaluation completed using a broad range of measurements.  

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Critique of a Theory, A Managers Role.”

Described in “Mintzberg on Management: Inside our Strange World of Organizations”, The Role of A Manager. The focus of this critique is on the specific managerial roles as they are identified and attributed to, the study of organizational management and managers. Specifically, as Managers are perceived by a well documented writer who spent years studying the subject of business management, Henry Mintzberg.

SCLCI’s Early Editions: SCLCI Back to Basics: Infographic “Negotiation Overview”

A free download from the S&Co., Supply Chain Logistics Consulting downloads center.

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “The Business Development Strategy Series: All the Colours of the Rainbow, Strategy in Business.”

In business the approach to progress can be developed and managed by observation of what’s worked, what doesn’t work, and what might work for specific situation. Information is available for comparison and discussion with opportunity to learn how the evolution of strategy facilitated companies. Intentionality and innovation are not mutually exclusive. The differences within companies that advance and those that don’t are as different as the colours of the rainbow.  

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Innovation Strategies for Accelerating Company Growth.”

Learn how investments in research and development, effective internal communications, and a strong commitment to ongoing employee development all contribute to advancing growth for innovative companies.  

SCLCI’s Early Editions: “Maximizing Revenues and Transforming Supply Chains: An Aligned Approach to Controlling Costs.”  

 Introduction: Explore how business leaders can leverage the benefits of a cost control approach to maximize revenues over the long term. Is it possible to define and use a cost control approach strategically? Does it work to improve operational efficiency? What about the business’s other objectives, does this approach help or hinder the achievement of those goals as well.


Back-To-Basics, Supply Chain Management

Business leaders can revaluate what is essential to their company’s success and leverage their own unique understanding of the industry for a pro-active approach to decision making. Manage rising prices, changing priorities, and unplanned disruptions while building a resilient business to withstand any challenge. Subscribe and follow along while Supply Chain Logistics Consulting reviews the basic practices and concepts that help business professionals to adopt and maintain a focused approach to supply chain management and business process improvement.

#supplychain #logistics #operations #procurement #sourcing #leadership #excellence #learn #improveyourbusiness #communication #strategy #development #backtobasics

At Supply Chain Logistics Consulting our mandate is to improve the way things are done and we would be happy to hear from you. Do you have a specific problem you are solving? A unique solution or a successful story about making a significant change?
Let us know.
Write your response in the comments or send us a message on our contact page. If we get enough responses, we will be highlighting our favorite examples in featured posts so that our readers can benefit from them as well.

If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. Supply Chain Logistics Consulting is a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results. 

S&Co., Supply Chain Logistics Consulting Inc.


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QUESTIONS?  Contact us.

+1 (877) 682-7286
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If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. We are a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results.


Consulting: Advisory Sessions

Consulting by sessions is a service to make expertise achievable and can exponentially improve your current processes.

  • Session-based consulting services are available to you for when you have questions that an advisor can you help with.

  • Work with us to keep your project on course to completion.

  • Receive a free consultation to try-before you-buy.

  • Upgrades are available so get started today.


Advising Sessions

Offering focused direction and support for new ventures, small businesses, and mid-size companies.

  • Initial *Free* Call
  • 30 Minute Touchpoint
  • 60 Minute Analysis Discussion
  • 90 Minute Detail Review Session


QUESTIONS?  Contact us.

+1 (877) 682-7286
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If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. We are a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results.


Consulting: Project Management

Projects are reviewed and can be accepted on a case-by case basis.

  • Contract project consulting services that adapt with changing requirements.

  • Work with us to develop the scope for this work or send your requirements to sales@supplychainlogistics.net.

  • Receive a project fee for standard, simple requests.

  • Or obtain an estimate after our discovery meeting with you.

  1. We can scale or build a team with resources adequate to match your needs for the project.
  2. We will review your project scope in detail to ensure we deliver what you want to accomplish.
  3. We can provide the documentation needed to get started working with you on your project.
  4. We can help you starting from whichever part of the planning or execution phase you are in.

We will do whatever we can to match you with the solution that you meets your needs.

Don’t let doubt stop you. Send us a request for project consulting today.


QUESTIONS?  Contact us.

+1 (877) 682-7286
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If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. We are a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results.


Sponsorship: Brand Partnerships

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Free Business Directory

Supplier Sign-Up – Companies Join Free.
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Criteria to Join the Directory

*Strongly Recommended for best results.
  • Canadian and US Companies
    • (tax registration number is requested at sign-up and included in directory)
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    • (specific regions may be excluded due to complexity)
    • Documented proof of incorporation and tax/registration number is required.
Products and Services Related to
  • Supply Chain Management and Business Development
  • Professional Services, Corporate Services, Consulting Services
  • Office Equipment, Safety Equipment, Operations Equipment


*Available Now.* Sale

Paid Brand Partners: Sponsors
Brand Partner Tiers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  1. Partner: The highest tier, offering exclusive visibility and premium benefits.
  2. Contributor: An active presence with enhanced branding opportunities.
  3. Collaborator: A foundational level, including logo exposure and other perks.
  4. Supporter: A unique and memorable place in this respected brand partnership.
  5. Advocate: An emphasis on your enthusiastic support and brand engagement.
U-Pick Bundles:

Bundles may include any combination of the following:

(Availability + Type + Add-Ons)


Availability / Brand Partnership

  1. Single
  2. Series (#)
  3. Monthly
  4. Quarterly
  5. Annually


Types / Promotional Content

Sponsored Social Media – Brand Partnership Opportunities

  • On “Public Feeds” brand partnership/content is tagged as ‘Brand Partnership’
  • On Company Pages brand partnership content need not be tagged.
Platform: Linkedin
  1. Company ‘Page’ – Newsfeed Repost of Sponsored Ad Content
  2. Company ‘Page’ – Newsfeed Repost of Sponsored Feature Article (linking to the posted version on our website).
  3. Company Page – Social-Only Newsletter Feature in Referral Blogpost (tagged as promoted content and 1 link to sponsoring company site in content description)
  4. Company Page – Sponsored Linked Ad Re-Post (0char + Add-ons available)
  5. Company Representative Endorsement – [Tagged] Brand Partnership Re-Post of Sponsored Ad / Sponsored Content (0char + Add-ons available)
Platform: X
  1. Company Profile – Re-Post featuring Sponsored Ad (0char)
  2. Company Profile – Customized Post featuring Linked Content (0-280char)
  3. Company Profile – Repost of Sponsored Feature Article to our website
Platform: Substack
  1. Company Page – “Journal” Endorsement: Repost of your Sponsored Feature Article (linking to the posted version on our website).
  2. Company Page – Social-Only Newsletter Feature in Referral Blogpost (tagged as promoted content and 1 link to sponsoring company site in content description)



  1. Add-ons – *Additional Links to your website or products ($/ea)
  2. Add-ons – *Featuring a customized introductory blurb and hashtags (+0.10$/char)
  3. Add-ons – *Custom options and special requests, inquire within.


Event Sponsor

Mention Slots
  1. Mention + Display Logo (PPT Slide)
  2. Submit Pre-Recorded Ad (2 Min)
  3. Read of Introduction ‘Live Ad’ (2-5 Min)
  4. Featured Guest Session ‘Live’ (10 Min + Q&A)



Visibility / Corporate Endorsement
  1. Page Mention: Directory Listing
  2. + Logo Badge
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  4. + Timebound Referral Link – Tagged as “Brand Partnership/Endorsement”
Recurring Sponsored Content / Brand Feature Case Study
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  2. Quarterly
  3. Annually


Audio Media

Designated Slots (advertising)
  1. Referral Content Reading
  2. Pre-Recorded Advertisement


QUESTIONS?  Contact us.

+1 (877) 682-7286
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If you are interested in hiring a management consultant for your business or project and want to learn more about our management consulting services, please contact us today. We are a professional management consulting firm with years of experience in helping people at businesses like yours to achieve results.


Critical Review Meeting.

Schedule a call with us where we spend up to ninety minutes discussing your businesses transformational goals.
Then we delve into the details of action you can take to make progress from that point forward.


⚙ Discussion Call.

⚙ Upgrades Available – See Details.

⚙ Free Transcript (Limited to Virtual MSFT Teams meetings).

⚙ Special Promotional Discount is Limited to 1 per Member.


Primary Focus Areas;

  • Supply Chain Transformation

  • Business Development

  • Startups and Strategy

    This offer is available as a stand-alone promotion and valid for one purchase per business only.
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    Members of any level receive a discount on this offer. Sign up for the $1 membership and order this offer from “Extras” to receive discounted pricing.
    See the full list of available services at www.supplychainlogistics.net
    Custom orders and project requests are processed through the company and can be requested at https://www.supplychainlogistics.net/contact/
    Still not sure? Subscribe to the Company Newsletter and learn more.



  • Packages of meetings and monthly subscriptions offer a benefit for the buyer.
  • Get a quote using the Request Form

QUESTIONS?  Contact us.

+1 (877) 682-7286
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About Us

At Supply Chain Logistics Consulting we improve business performance with strategic supply chain development consulting. Discover greater value and streamline your business operations, today. Let’s work together to enact sustainable improvements that contribute to your organizations goals and objectives.



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At S&Co., Supply Chain Logistics Consulting Inc. the work we do may be within Indigenous Territories and Treaty areas in what is now called Canada. We acknowledge these lands, the traditional Knowledge Keepers, and Elders, here now and throughout history with respectful gratitude as an act of Reconciliation recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action.

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